The Louisiana Coastal Wetlands Conservation and Restoration Task Force has initiated procedures to deauthorize the Coastal Wetlands Planning, Protection and Restoration Act (CWPPRA) Brown Lake Hydrologic Restoration Project (CS-09).


This CWPPRA 2nd Priority Project List project is located in Cameron and Calcasieu parishes approximately 3 miles north of Hackberry, Louisiana. Saltwater intrusion from the Calcasieu Ship Channel and increased tidal amplitudes have caused 90% of the marsh loss in this system. The purpose of the project is to restore to the extent possible, the altered hydrology of about 2,800 acres of wetlands in the area of Brown Lake. Original project features included installing two water control structures and two freshwater introduction structures; rehabilitating and/or constructing about 30,000 linear feet of boundary levees; and constructing and vegetating 20,500 linear feet of terraces. Based on subsequent modeling results that indicated certain features would not provide the expected benefits, further coordination between the project sponsors resulted in an alternative consisting of only earthern terraces (all the hydrologic restoration components were eliminated). The original concept was projected to yield 279 net wetland acres and 121 average annual habitat units (AAHUs) at the end of 20 years following construction. At the time, the estimated fully funded cost of $3.2 million included the costs of engineering and design, construction, and 20 years of operations and maintenance (O&M). The current project alternative is estimated to yield 37 net wetland acres and 44 AAHUs after 20 years, at an estimated fully funded cost of $4.0 million. Therefore, the sponsors have requested the Task Force to deauthorize the project.


Prior to making a final decision, the Task Force will consider written comments on the request to deauthorize the project. Written comments should be provided by September 22, 2010, to the following address: 


Colonel Edward R. Fleming

District Commander

US Army Corps of Engineers, New Orleans District

Attention: Projects Branch West, CWPPRA Manager P.O. Box 60267 New Orleans, Louisiana 70160-0267


If you need further information, please contact Ms. Melanie Goodman, CWPPRA Program Manager, at (504) 862-1940.