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CWPPRA Technical Committee Priority Project List 32 and Phase 2 Project Selection

The CWPPRA Technical Committee convened on Thursday, 8 December and selected two Project Priority List (PPL) 32 candidate projects to recommend to the Task Force for Phase I Engineering and Design. The following projects were selected: Yscloskey Marsh Creation and Northwest Little Lake Marsh Creation. The Technical Committee also collaboratively ranked and selected four projects to recommend to the Task Force for Phase II authorization and Increment 1 funding: Bayou Cane Marsh Creation (PO-181), East Delacroix Marsh Creation and Terracing (BS-37), Grand Bayou Ridge and Marsh Restoration – Increment 1 (BA-217), and Island Road Marsh Creation and Nourishment (TE-117). The Task Force may approve these recommended projects for Phase I and Phase II funding when they meet on January 26, 2023.


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