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CWPPRA PPL 35 Nominee Voting Results

On Tuesday, February 25, 2025, the CWPPRA agencies and participating coastal parishes votes to select project nominees for PPL 35 were released. The nominees were selected from the more than 50 basin projects and 2 demonstration projects that were proposed during the Regional Planning Team (RPT) meetings held February 4,5,6, 2025.

The nominees consist of 21 basin projects and 2 demonstration projects.

The PPL 35 nominees will be preliminarily evaluated by the CWPPRA Workgroups and narrowed down at the April 10, 2025 Technical Committee meeting to the PPL 35 candidate projects, which will consist of 10 basin projects (potentially including 2 demonstration projects). Public comment will be solicited at the April Technical Committee meeting prior to the Committee’s vote.

Information on the PPL 35 project proposals is available on the web


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