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Carriere, J. 1996b. Violet Siphon (PO-01) Monitoring Series Progress Report No. 2. Baton Rouge: Louisiana Department of Natural Resources, Coastal Restoration Division. 6 pp.

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Kesel, R.H. 1988. The decline in the suspended load of the lower Mississippi River and its influence on adjacent wetlands. Environmental and Geological Science 11:271-81.

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Louisiana Department of Natural Resources 1994c. Dewitt-Rollover Plantings: Monitoring Plan. Baton Rouge: Louisiana Department of Natural Resources, Coastal Restoration Division. 7 pp.

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Louisiana Department of Natural Resources 1995d. Freshwater Bayou Wetlands Phase 1: Monitoring Plan. Baton Rouge: Louisiana Department of Natural Resources, Coastal Restoration Division. 10 pp.

Louisiana Department of Natural Resources 1995e. Southwest Shore, White Lake Shore Protection Demonstration Project: Monitoring Plan. Baton Rouge: Louisiana Department of Natural Resources, Coastal Restoration Division. 5 pp.

Louisiana Department of Natural Resources 1995f. West Hackberry Planting & Sediment Enhancement: Monitoring Plan. Baton Rouge: Louisiana Department of Natural Resources, Coastal Restoration Division. 13 pp.

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Smith, R. D. 1993. A conceptual framework for assessing the functions of wetlands. Technical Report WRPDE-3, Vicksburg, Miss: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Waterways Experiment Station. 27 pp.

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Steyer, G.D., R.C. Raynie, D.L. Steller, D. Fuller, and E. Swenson 1995. Quality management plan for Coastal Wetlands Planning, Protection, and Restoration Act Monitoring Program. Open-File Report 95-01. Baton Rouge: Louisiana Department of Natural Resources, Coastal Restoration Division. 97 pp.

Steyer, G.D, and R.E. Stewart, Jr. 1992. Monitoring program for Coastal Wetlands Planning, Protection, and Restoration Act projects. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, National Wetlands Research Center Open-File Report 93-01. 85 pp.

T. Baker Smith and Son Inc. 1996. Forecasted Trends in Physical and Hydrologic Condition. Phase 1, step G, draft report for the Barrier Island Shore Feasibility Study. Unpublished report prepared for CWPPRA. Baton Rouge, La.: T. Baker Smith and Son Inc. 25pp.

Thibodeaux, C. 1996. Vermilion River Cutoff (TV-03) Monitoring Series Progress Report No.1. Baton Rouge: Louisiana Department of Natural Resources, Coastal Restoration Division. 4 pp.

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Touchet, B. A. 1994. Genesis of the Louisiana Coastal Marshes, 11p.

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Turner, R.E. and D.R. Cahoon 1987. Causes of wetland loss in coastal central Gulf of Mexico. Vol. 2: Technical Narrative. New Orleans, LA: U.S. Department of the Interior, Minerals Management Service. 400 pp.

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers 1993. Water-borne Commerce of the United States, Calendar Year 1993. Part 5 - National Summaries. Fort Belvoir, VA: Water Resources Support Center, U. S. Army Corps of Engineers.

U.S. Department of Agriculture - Natural Resources Conservation Service 1997. Cameron-Creole Watershed 1993 Vegetative Monitoring Report. 60 pp.

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U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service 1980. Habitat evaluation procedures (HEP). Division of Ecological Services. ESM 102, Washington, DC: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. 141 pp.

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Van Heerden, I.L. 1994. A Long-term Comprehensive Management Plan For Coastal Louisiana to Ensure Sustainable Biological Productivity, Economic Growth, and the Continued Existence of Its Unique Culture and Heritage. Baton Rouge, LA: Louisiana State University, Center for Coastal, Energy, and Environmental Resources. 45 pp.

Vincent, K. 1995. Sabine Refuge Protection (CS-18) Monitoring Series Progress Report No. 1. Baton Rouge: Louisiana Department of Natural Resources, Coastal Restoration Division. 3 pp.

Vincent, K. 1997. Freshwater Bayou Wetlands (ME-04) Phase 1 Monitoring Series Progress Report No. 3. Baton Rouge: Louisiana Department of Natural Resources, Coastal Restoration Division. 6 pp.

Vincent, K. and B. Sun 1995. West Hackberry Plantings and Sediment Enhancement (CS-19) Monitoring Series Progress Report No. 2. Baton Rouge: Louisiana Department of Natural Resources, Coastal Restoration Division. 15 pp.

Vincent, K. and B. Sun 1996. Dewitt-Rollover Plantings (ME-08) Comprehensive Monitoring Report. Baton Rouge: Louisiana Department of Natural Resources, Coastal Restoration Division. 18 pp.

Watzin, M.C. and J.G. Gosselink 1992. The fragile fringe: coastal wetlands of the continental United States. Baton Rouge, LA: Louisiana Sea Grant College Program, Louisiana State University; Washington, D.C.: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service; Rockville MD: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.

Weifenbach, D. 1996. Boston Canal/Vermilion Bay Shoreline Protection Monitoring Series Progress Report No. 2. Baton Rouge: Louisiana Department of Natural Resources, Coastal Restoration Division. 9 pp.

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