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The Breton Sound Basin


The Breton Sound Basin is the remnant of a Mississippi River delta lobe, the abandoned St. Bernard Delta. The principal hydrologic features of the Breton Sound Basin include the Mississippi River and its natural levee ridges; the flood protection levee; the MRGO south disposal bank; Bayou Terre aux Boeufs and River aux Chenes (abandoned delta distributaries); and the freshwater diversions at Caernarvon, White's Ditch, Bohemia, and Bayou Lamoque.

The natural processes of subsidence, saltwater intrusion, and erosion of wetlands, and the human effects of river levee construction and the oil and gas industry, have caused major impacts to the Breton Sound Basin in recent decades. The two major wetland problems resulting from the natural processes and human intervention in this basin are sediment deprivation and saltwater intrusion.

Historically, the basin was flushed with large quantities of fresh water and sediments annually during the spring. Marine waters would then rise and enter the basin during the late summer and early fall months and would be flushed out the following spring. In the early 1930's, flood protection levees were raised along the Mississippi River as far south as Bohemia in the Breton Sound Basin. This prevented the annual input of fresh water, nutrients, and sediment that nourished the wetlands and combatted saltwater intrusion.

Between 1940 and 1970, 12.9 square miles (8,256 acres) of canals were dredged across and between the abandoned distributary ridges that run from the river to the outer fringes of the marsh (Gagliano et al., 1970). This has allowed channelized outflow of fresh water and increased tidal flux.

The combination of natural processes and human intervention has allowed salt water to enter close to the head of the basin. Much of the fresh and intermediate marsh that occurred in the upper basin earlier in this century has either converted to more saline habitats or has become open water as a result of sediment and nutrient deprivation brought about by the construction of flood protection levees and saltwater intrusion caused by the dredging of oil and gas access canals through and between the natural distributary ridges.

Subsidence combined with sediment and nutrient deprivation has contributed greatly to the marsh loss in the upper and middle basin and even more greatly in the Bohemia Subbasin. The subsidence rate ranges from 0.6 feet per century in the upper portion of the basin to 4 feet per century in the lower portion. The effect of subsidence is very apparent in the area south of Bohemia, which was created by alluvial deposits of the Mississippi River less than 1,000 years ago. Large areas of wetlands flanking the Mississippi River in this area have subsided and are continuing to subside and convert to open water. Periodic overbank flows from the FIGURE BS1.  BASIN AND SUBBASIN BOUNDARIES

Mississippi River occur in this area, and some wetlands immediately adjacent to the river are being maintained by this input of sediments and fresh water.

A significant cause of wetland loss in the Breton Sound Basin is erosion of shorelines by wind-wave action. Along the shoreline of the outer marshes and around the perimeter of the larger bays, erosion rates of 5 to 10 feet per year are common. These high rates occur in the fringe marshes because the Breton barrier islands are so far offshore that they offer little protection to the estuary behind them.

Breton Sound Basin Projects

Projects in Breton Sound Basin

Summary of the Basin Plan


The Breton Sound Basin encompasses approximately 676,400 acres, of which 184,100 acres are wetlands. It is bounded on the west by the Mississippi River, on the north by Bayou La Loutre, on the east by the south bank of the Mississippi River Gulf Outlet (MRGO), and on the south by Baptiste Collette Bayou and Breton Island (Figure BS-1). The basin includes portions of Plaquemine and St. Bernard parishes. It consists of approximately 51,300 acres of public land, equaling 28 percent of the total lands within the basin.


The Breton Sound Basin is the remnant of a Mississippi River delta lobe, the abandoned St. Bernard Delta. The principal hydrologic features of the Breton Sound Basin include the Mississippi River and its natural levee ridges; the flood protection levee; the MRGO south disposal bank; Bayou Terre aux Boeufs and River aux Chenes (abandoned delta distributaries); and the freshwater diversions at Caernarvon, Whites Ditch, Bohemia, and Bayou Lamoque.

The natural processes of subsidence, saltwater intrusion, and erosion of wetlands, and the human effects of river levee construction and the oil and gas industry, have caused major impacts to the Breton Sound Basin in recent decades. The two major wetland problems resulting from the natural processes and human intervention in this basin are sediment deprivation and saltwater intrusion.

Historically, the basin was flushed with large quantities of fresh water and sediments annually during the spring. Marine waters would then rise and enter the basin during the late summer and early fall months and would be flushed out the following spring. In the early 1930s, flood protection levees were raised along the Mississippi River as far south as Bohemia in the Breton Sound Basin. This prevented the annual input of fresh water, nutrients, and sediment that nourished the wetlands and combatted saltwater intrusion.

Between 1940 and 1970, 12.9 square miles (8,256 acres) of canals were dredged across and between the abandoned distributary ridges that run from the river to the outer fringes of the marsh (Gagliano et al., 1970). This has allowed channelized outflow of fresh water and increased tidal flux.

The combination of natural processes and human intervention has allowed salt water to enter close to the head of the basin. Much of the fresh and intermediate marsh that occurred in the upper basin earlier in this century has either converted to more saline habitats or has become open water as a result of sediment and nutrient deprivation brought about by the construction of flood protection levees and saltwater intrusion caused by the dredging of oil and gas access canals through and between the natural distributary ridges.

Subsidence combined with sediment and nutrient deprivation has contributed greatly to the marsh loss in the upper and middle basin and even more greatly in the Bohemia Subbasin. The subsidence rate ranges from 0.6 feet per century in the upper portion of the basin to 4 feet per century in the lower portion. The effect of subsidence is very apparent in the area south of Bohemia, which was created by alluvial deposits of the Mississippi River less than 1,000 years ago. Large areas of wetlands flanking the Mississippi River in this area have subsided and are continuing to subside and convert to open water. Periodic overbank flows from the FIGURE BS1.  BASIN AND SUBBASIN BOUNDARIES

Mississippi River occur in this area, and some wetlands immediately adjacent to the river are being maintained by this input of sediments and fresh water.

A significant cause of wetland loss in the Breton Sound Basin is erosion of shorelines by wind-wave action. Along the shoreline of the outer marshes and around the perimeter of the larger bays, erosion rates of 5 to 10 feet per year are common. These high rates occur in the fringe marshes because the Breton barrier islands are so far offshore that they offer little protection to the estuary behind them.


Table BS-1 shows the losses estimated over the next 20 and 50 years based on 1974-1990 loss rates from Table 2.

Table BS-1

Projected Marsh Loss

Projected Loss in 20 years Projected Loss in 50 years

Subbasin (Acres) (Percent) (Acres) (Percent)

River aux Chenes 500 2 1,230 4

Caernarvon 5,100 7 12,760 16

St. Bernard 2,300 6 5,760 14

Bohemia 5,480 16 13,720 41

Total 13,380 7.3 33,470 18.2

The effects of the Caernarvon Freshwater Diversion Structure, which is expected to preserve 320 acres per year for 50 years or 16,000 acres, are reflected in the projected losses for the Breton Sound Basin.

Marsh loss will continue in the upper and middle parts of the basin where sediments from the Caernarvon structure are insufficient to offset impoundment and sediment deprivation. The marshes in the lower basin will continue to deteriorate from wind-generated wave action and tidal scour, following the general abandoned delta break-up process. Marshes south of Bohemia will continue to subside, erode, and convert to open water except for those areas nearest the river, which will be maintained by periodic overbank flow.

The economies of communities in the basin are largely based upon oil and gas and renewable biological resources. Fishery harvests have increased, largely due to increased numbers of harvesters, each of which is harvesting less per man-hour than was harvested ten years ago.


The selected plan (Figure BS-2) provides a balanced approach to create, restore, protect, and enhance wetlands through the optimization of the available resources afforded the basin. Management and restoration of fluvial input form the foundation of the selected plan. In the short term, management of the Caernarvon Freshwater Diversion Structures outfall along with outfall management of Whites Ditch, Bohemia, and Bayou Lamoque Freshwater Diversions is vital to the restoration of this basin because such projects will help to maintain and restore the hydrology of the basin. Also, in the short term, construction of a small-scale controlled sediment diversion at Grand Bay and the restoration of overbank flow at Olga will create and nourish marsh through sediment transport.

Restoration of fluvial input to the basin through the construction of a 20,000-cfs sediment diversion, tentatively at Bohemia, is the core of the long-term strategy to restore the basin. A feasibility study is necessary to determine the optimum location for such a diversion. In support of the long-term strategies, construction of interior barriers and the restoration of natural ridges will help to restore the natural compartmentalized hydrology within the basin.

Projects selected for inclusion in the Breton Sound Basin plan are listed in Table BS-2. The table indicates project type; classification (i.e., critical, supporting); project status; acres created, restored, or protected; net benefited acres; cost per benefited acre; and the estimated project cost.


The proposed projects, short- and long-term critical and short-term supporting, will create, restore, or protect approximately 5,200 acres, 39 percent of the predicted loss at an estimated cost of $11,367,000. Including submerged aquatic vegetation and enhancement of existing marsh, an additional 4,400 acres will benefit from plan implementation.

The selected plan provides a balanced approach to improving conditions in the basin. Hydrologic restoration measures such as outfall management and sediment diversion account for the majority of the acres created, restored, and protected.

If cost-effective construction techniques are developed, the Fiddler Point Barrier Island project could be implemented. This project would protect an additional 1,190 acres, preventing 10 percent of the projected loss. The cost of constructing this barrier island system using present technology is estimated to be $55,115,000. The cost per acre is $118,000 and is nearly 30 times the average cost per acre of the other proposed projects. Thus, the recommendation is to proceed with the rest of the plan and postpone barrier island construction until techniques are developed to decrease their cost.

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Dynamics of the Basin

The Breton Sound Basin is located in southeast Louisiana and encompasses approximately 676,400 acres. It is bounded on the west by the Mississippi River, on the north by Bayou La Loutre, on the east by the south bank of the Mississippi River Gulf Outlet (MRGO), and on the south by Baptiste Collette Bayou and Breton Island. Wetlands make up 184,100 acres of the basin. Approximately 51,300 acres within the basin are public lands, equaling 28% of the total lands within the basin (LCWCRTF 1993).

Like the Pontchartain Basin, the Breton Sound Basin is a remnant of the Mississippi River delta lobe, the abandoned St. Bernard Delta. The principal hydrologic features of the Breton Sound Basin include the Mississippi River and its natural levee ridges, the flood protection levee, abandoned delta distributaries, and the freshwater diversions at Caernarvon, White's Ditch, Bohemia, and Bayou Lamoque. The barrier islands, which make up the Breton National Wildlife Refuge are far offshore and thus provide minimal protection. Elevations range from approximately +10 feet National Geodetic Vertical Datum (NGVD) along the natural levee ridges of the Mississippi River to +2 feet NGVD or less in the swamp and marsh areas within the basin.

Although the basin was historically flushed with large quantities of fresh water and sediment annually during the spring, this system has suffered a series of major human impacts, including the completion of flood-control levees along the Mississippi River in the 1920s, construction of the MRGO in 1963, and a labyrinth of smaller canals for oil extraction primarily from 1950 through 1980. Thus, the estuary has been decoupled from alluvial water, sediment, and nutrients. Subsidence rates in the basin range from 0.6 feet per century in the upper portion of the basin to 4 feet per century in the lower basin (LCWCRTF 1993).

The immediate impact of these alterations has been increased marine influence, including a landward shift in salinity. Much of the fresh and intermediate marsh that existed in the upper basin earlier in this century has either converted to more saline habitats or has become open water as a result of sediment and nutrient deprivation, erosional processes, or a combination of these occurrences. Secondary impacts include land loss, habitat degradation, loss of biodiversity, and an inland shift in oyster production. Along the shoreline of the outer marshes and around the perimeter of the larger bays, erosion rates of 5-10 feet/year are common.

Since 1932, 47,036 acres (almost 17%) of the wetland area in the Breton Sound Basin has converted to open water (Dunbar et al. 1992, figure 19). Without action, approximately 1,000 acres of marsh will continue to be lost each year (Dunbar et al. 1992, Barras et al. 1994). This loss amounts to approximately 20,000 acres during the next 20 years. If no action is taken to restore and protect the remaining wetlands, it is projected that an additional 18% will be lost by the year 2040.

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Primary concerns for projects implemented in the Breton Sound Basin include local impacts on fishery harvest and access to oil and gas exploration and production sites. For all of the CWPPRA projects described previously, access and productivity associated with these industries must be addressed before CWPPRA project implementation. Although freshwater fisheries, furbearers, waterfowl and long-term estuarine sustainability would flourish through CWPPRA freshwater diversions, potential short-term losses to estuarine fisheries (e.g., oysters) must also be considered.

Historically, projects to restore coastal wetlands in the Breton Sound Basin were constructed by different entities for various management objectives. CWPPRA restoration projects in the future may include maximization of other existing freshwater diversions in the basin, including Bayou LaMoque, and introduction of other large-scale diversions (e.g., at the Bohemia Spillway) such that the long-term sustainability of the estuary and its resources can be ensured.

About This Site

The Louisiana Coastal Wetlands Planning, Protection and Restoration Act Program web site contains information and links relating to coastal restoration projects in coastal Louisiana. This site is funded by CWPPRA and is maintained by the USGS Wetland and Aquatic Research Center.