East Delacroix Marsh Creation and Terracing (BS-37)
Priority Project List: 28
Sponsors: CPRA, NMFS
Parishes: St. Bernard
East Delacroix Marsh Creation and Terracing Project (BS-0037) 95% Design ReportPDF103.9 KB
East Delacroix Marsh Creation and Terracing Project (BS-0037) 95% Design ReportPDF4.6 MB
East Delacroix Marsh Creation and Terracing Project (BS-0037) 95% Design ReportPDF427.3 KB
East Delacroix Marsh Creation and Terracing Project (BS-0037) 95% Design ReportPDF153.8 MB
East Delacroix Marsh Creation and Terracing Project (BS-0037) 95% Design ReportPDF1.5 MB
East Delacroix Marsh Creation and Terracing Project (BS-0037) 95% Design ReportPDF12.2 MB
East Delacroix Marsh Creation and Terracing Project (BS-0037) 95% Design ReportPDF17.9 MB
East Delacroix Marsh Creation and Terracing Project (BS-0037) 95% Design ReportPDF743.1 KB
East Delacroix Marsh Creation and Terracing Project (BS-0037) 95% Design ReportPDF64.4 MB
East Delacroix Marsh Creation and Terracing Project (BS-0037) 95% Design ReportPDF10.6 MB
East Delacroix Marsh Creation and Terracing Project (BS-0037) 95% Design ReportPDF410.5 KB
East Delacroix Marsh Creation and Terracing Project (BS-0037) 95% Design ReportPDF6.9 MB
East Delacroix Marsh Creation and Terracing Project (BS-0037) 95% Design ReportPDF364.5 KB
East Delacroix Marsh Creation and Terracing Project (BS-0037) 95% Design ReportPDF21.6 MB
Geotechnical Engineering Report (Revised) East Delacroix Marsh Creation Project, Phase II (BS-37)PDF42.4 MB
East Delacroix Marsh Creation and Terracing (BS-37) Geotechnical Data ReportPDF21.8 MB
East Delacroix Marsh Creation and Terracing (BS-37) Topographic, Bathymetric, Magnetometer Surveys, and Marsh Elevation SurveyPDF21.8 MB
East Delacroix Marsh Creation and Terracing (BS-37) Topographic, Bathymetric, Magnetometer Surveys, and Marsh Elevation SurveyPDF1.8 MB
East Delacroix Marsh Creation and Terracing (BS-37) Phase I Hazardous, Toxic, and Radioactive Waste (HTRW) Assessment ReportPDF5.6 MB
East Delacroix Marsh Creation and Terracing (BS-37) PermitsPDF4.7 MB
East Delacroix Marsh Creation and Terracing (BS-37) PermitsPDF4.8 MB
East Delacroix Marsh Creation and Terracing (BS-37) Coastal Use PermitPDF4.7 MB
East Delacroix Marsh Creation and Terracing (BS-37) Geotech PermitPDF4.8 MB
Project Manager's Technical Fact Sheet (HTML)html10.0 KB
There are no maps associated with this project
There is no data associated with this project
Wetland Value Assessment
  • Project Area (acres): 576
  • Average Annual Habitat Units*: 125
  • Acres Created / Restored: 306
  • Acres Protected: 0
  • Total Net Acres: 306

* Habitat Units represent a numerical combination of habitat quality (Habitat Suitability Index) and habitat quantity (acres) within a given area at a given point in time. Average Annual Habitat Units represent the average number of Habitat Units within any given year over the project life for a given area.

About This Site

The Louisiana Coastal Wetlands Planning Protection and Restoration Act Program web site contains information and links relating to coastal restoration projects in coastal Louisiana. This site is funded by CWPPRA and is maintained by the USGS National Wetlands Research Center.