Cameron Creole Plugs (CS-17)
Priority Project List: 1
Sponsors: CPRA, USFWS
Parishes: Cameron
Cameron-Creole Watershed Hydrologic Restoration (CS-17) 1993 Habitat
Cameron-Creole Watershed Hydrologic Restoration (CS-17) 1993 Habitat
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  • Product Id: 1993-02-0002
  • Type: Spatial Data
  • Created: 4/8/2004 7:22:00 AM
  • Modified: 4/8/2004
  • Contact: Bill Jones
  • Office: NWRC-GIS
  • Orientation:
  • Scale: Unknown
  • This data set consists of digital data describing wetland and upland habitats within the CWPPRA project, Cameron-Creole Watershed Hydrologic Restoration (CS-17) for the year 1993. Wetlands were classified acccording to the Cowardin, et al., classification scheme to the level of salinity modifers. Uplands were classified according to the Anderson, et al., classification scheme. The data provide information to aid efforts in the conservation, restoration, creation, and/or enhancement of the project's wetlands.
Cameron-Creole Watershed Hydrologic Restoration (CS-17) 1993 Mosaic
Cameron-Creole Watershed Hydrologic Restoration (CS-17) 1993 Mosaic
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  • Product Id: 1993-02-0022
  • Type: Spatial Data
  • Created: 6/26/2003 12:00:00 AM
  • Modified: 4/15/2004
  • Contact: Bill Jones
  • Office: NWRC-GIS
  • Orientation:
  • Scale: Unknown
  • This data set consists of mosaicked color infrared 1993 aerial photography for the CWPPRA project, Cameron-Creole Watershed Hydrologic Restoration (CS-17). The data are used as base map data for either land/water analysis and/or habitat change analysis. The imagery also serves as a visual tool for project managers to assist in land loss or any other obvious problems within the project boundary.
Wetland Value Assessment
  • Project Area (acres): 20392
  • Average Annual Habitat Units*: 242
  • Acres Created / Restored: 865
  • Acres Protected: 0
  • Total Net Acres: 865

* Habitat Units represent a numerical combination of habitat quality (Habitat Suitability Index) and habitat quantity (acres) within a given area at a given point in time. Average Annual Habitat Units represent the average number of Habitat Units within any given year over the project life for a given area.

About This Site

The Louisiana Coastal Wetlands Planning, Protection and Restoration Act Program web site contains information and links relating to coastal restoration projects in coastal Louisiana. This site is funded by CWPPRA and is maintained by the USGS Wetland and Aquatic Research Center.