Naomi Outfall Management (BA-03c)
Priority Project List: 5
Sponsors: CPRA, NRCS
Parishes: Jefferson, Plaquemines
2024 Operations, Maintenance, and Monitoring Report for Naomi Outfall Management (BA-0003c) and Barataria Bay Waterway East Side Shoreline Protection (BA-0026)PDF3.0 MB
2014 Annual Inspection Report for NAOMI OUTFALL MANAGEMENT PDF4.8 MB
2011 Annual Inspection Report Naomi Outfall ManagementPDF3.7 MB
2010 Annual Inspection Report Naomi Outfall ManagementPDF3.7 MB
2019 Annual Inspection Report for Naomi Outfall ManagementPDF745.7 KB
2017 Annual Inspection Report for Naomi Outfall ManagementPDF
2016 Annual Inspection Report for Naomi Outfall Management PDF748.4 KB
BA-03c 2015 Annual Inspection ReportPDF518.7 KB
CWPPRA Adaptive Management Review Final ReportPDF292.0 KB
BA-03C 2011 Operations, Maintenance, and Monitoring ReportPDF14.7 MB
BA-03c 2008 Operations, Maintenance, and Monitoring ReportPDF3.6 MB
BA-03c 2005 Operations, Maintenance, and Monitoring ReportPDF1.0 MB
BA-03c 2009 Annual Inspection ReportPDF455.2 KB
BA-03c 2008 Annual Inspection ReportPDF469.2 KB
BA-03C Wetland Value AssessmentPDF4.7 MB
BA-03c 2006/2007 Annual Inspection ReportPDF422.7 KB
BA-03c 2006 Annual Inspection ReportPDF395.3 KB
BA-03c and BA-26 2004 Operations, Maintenance and Monitoring ReportPDF519.2 KB
BA-03c Contracted Study ReportPDF1.5 MB
BA-03c Summary Data and GraphicsPDF1.3 MB
BA-03c Progress Report 2PDF2.0 MB
BA-03c Progress Report 1PDF21.7 KB
BA-03c Comprehensive Monitoring ReportPDF3.3 MB
BA-03c Project Completion ReportPDF478.5 KB
BA-03 Adaptive Management Review Final ReportPDF770.0 KB
BA-03c / BA-26 Monitoring PlanPDF2.6 MB
Project Manager's Technical Fact Sheet (HTML)html10.0 KB
Naomi Outfall Management (BA-03c) 2009 Land-Water Classification data
Naomi Outfall Management (BA-03c) 2009 Land-Water Classification data
Download (ZIP 2.1 MB)
  • Product Id: 2011-02-0032
  • Type: Spatial Data
  • Created: 4/14/2011 2:44:00 PM
  • Modified:
  • Contact: Adrienne Garber
  • Office: NWRC-GIS
  • Orientation:
  • Scale: Unknown
  • Naomi Outfall Management (BA-03c) 2009 Land-Water Classification data
Naomi Outfall Management (BA-03c) 2009 Photomosaic data
Naomi Outfall Management (BA-03c) 2009 Photomosaic data
Download (ZIP 461.0 KB)
  • Product Id: 2011-02-0031
  • Type: Spatial Data
  • Created: 4/14/2011 2:44:00 PM
  • Modified:
  • Contact: Adrienne Garber
  • Office: NWRC-GIS
  • Orientation:
  • Scale: Unknown
  • Naomi Outfall Management (BA-03c) 2009 Photomosaic data
Outfall Management (BA-03c) 2000 Land/Water
Outfall Management (BA-03c) 2000 Land/Water
Download (ZIP 6.7 MB)
  • Product Id: 2005-02-0118
  • Type: Spatial Data
  • Created: 6/13/2005 4:34:00 PM
  • Modified: 6/13/2005
  • Contact: Bill Jones
  • Office: NWRC-GIS
  • Orientation:
  • Scale: Unknown
  • This data set consists of digital data describing the land/water classification for the Outfall Management BA-03c for the year 2000.
Wetland Value Assessment
  • Project Area (acres): 26603
  • Average Annual Habitat Units*: 379
  • Acres Created / Restored: 0
  • Acres Protected: 633
  • Total Net Acres: 633

* Habitat Units represent a numerical combination of habitat quality (Habitat Suitability Index) and habitat quantity (acres) within a given area at a given point in time. Average Annual Habitat Units represent the average number of Habitat Units within any given year over the project life for a given area.

About This Site

The Louisiana Coastal Wetlands Planning Protection and Restoration Act Program web site contains information and links relating to coastal restoration projects in coastal Louisiana. This site is funded by CWPPRA and is maintained by the USGS National Wetlands Research Center.