East/West Grand Terre Islands Restoration (Transferred) (BA-30)
Priority Project List: 9
Sponsors: CPRA, NMFS
Parishes: Jefferson, Plaquemines
Louisiana Barrier Island Comprehensive Monitoring Program—Mapping habitats in beach, dune, and intertidal environments along the Louisiana Gulf of Mexico shoreline, 2008 and 2015–16: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2020–1030PDF12.4 MB
Louisiana Barrier Island Comprehensive Monitoring Program 2015-2019 Coastal Surface-Sediment Characterization Analysis: Regional Sediment Characteristic MapsPDF5.5 MB
Louisiana Barrier Island Comprehensive Monitoring Program 2015-2019 Coastal Surface-Sediment Characterization Analysis: Methods and ResultsPDF4.4 MB
Louisiana Barrier Island Comprehensive Monitoring Program 2015-2019 Coastal Surface-Sediment Characterization Analysis: Regional Sediment Characteristic Change MapsPDF5.9 MB
Louisiana Barrier Island Comprehensive Monitoring Program (BICM): Phase 2 – Updated Shoreline Compilation and Change Assessment, 1880s to 2015PDF43.0 MB
State of the Coast 2018: Lessons Learned from Two Decades of Barrier Island Restoration in LouisianaPDF6.3 MB
Louisiana Barrier Island Comprehensive Monitoring Program (BICM) Phase 2 - 2016 Characterization of Surficial Sediments in the Western and Eastern Chenier Plain and Atchafalaya and Wax Lake Delta Regions: Part A - Data Collection, Sample Processing and ProductsPDF627.7 KB
Louisiana Barrier Island Comprehensive Monitoring Program (BICM) Phase 2 - 2015 Characterization of Surficial Sediments in the Early Lafourche Delta, Late Lafourche Delta, Modern Delta, and Chandeleur Islands Regions: Part A - Data Collection, Sample Processing and ProductsPDF717.8 KB
Louisiana Barrier Island Comprehensive Monitoring Program (BICM) Phase 2 - 2015 Characterization of Surficial Sediments in the Early Lafourche Delta, Late Lafourche Delta, Modern Delta, and Chandeleur Islands Regions: Part B – Sediment Sample Distribution MapsPDF1.5 MB
Louisiana Barrier Island Comprehensive Monitoring Program (BICM): Phase 2 - Shoreline Compilation and Change AssessmentPDF
East Grand Terre Survey Report January 21, 2011PDF10.6 MB
BA-30 Ecological ReviewPDF384.3 KB
BA-30 Projects Under Construction Update February 15, 2012PDF1.7 MB
BA-30 Project Completion ReportPDF10.3 MB
Louisiana BICM Volume 1, Part 1: 2005 Post Hurricanes Katrina and Rita PhotographyPDF4.2 MB
BA-30 Ecological ReviewPDF384.3 KB
Project Manager's Technical Fact Sheet (HTML)html10.0 KB
There is no data associated with this project
Wetland Value Assessment
  • Project Area (acres): 683
  • Average Annual Habitat Units*: 269
  • Acres Created / Restored: 335
  • Acres Protected: 0
  • Total Net Acres: 335

* Habitat Units represent a numerical combination of habitat quality (Habitat Suitability Index) and habitat quantity (acres) within a given area at a given point in time. Average Annual Habitat Units represent the average number of Habitat Units within any given year over the project life for a given area.

About This Site

The Louisiana Coastal Wetlands Planning, Protection and Restoration Act Program web site contains information and links relating to coastal restoration projects in coastal Louisiana. This site is funded by CWPPRA and is maintained by the USGS Wetland and Aquatic Research Center.